Monday, July 21, 2008

a CRAZY long walk...

hello friends!

today we are preparing for a grand adventure...
... it all started in June, when my amazing dad turned 50! 
he decided that he wanted to revisit the city he was born in... Sao Jose do Rio Preto (practically a sentence). here it the trick: he wanted to WALK there. hm. 400 km, about 300 miles from Itu. 
and so he was able to convince one of his brothers, and together they came to persuade us into this insanity. 

we are hoping to arrive in SJdoRP next week, maybe Thursday. 

here's some numbers revolving the walk: 

30 miles/day
10 pounds of homemade trail mix
8 gallons of water/day
6 crazy ppl 
2 tents
1 support vehicle
1 hair line fracture (oh, did i forget to mention my dad's shin bone is pretty hurt?!)
0 hotel reservations

it'll be a great story to tell our kids. =)

so if we disappear for the next week, you know why. 
keep us in your prayers.

pics to come

Sunday, July 13, 2008


so the events are portrayed backwards... but the days all kinda bled into each other anyway =)

a couple of snapshots at the Praise Festival on 07/05
Praise Festival
visit to the Chocolate Farm
Post-camp exhaustion
post-camp exhaustion
and yet, we were together till 3am! 
did i mention we had 11 ppl staying in our home??
morning devos at camp - ali as the translator

one of our campers ! we love Suzanne!

Friday, July 11, 2008

not sure where to pick up...

not sure we could compact the experiences, joys, memories, stress, etc all into one blog post since our last note to you!

it's been amazingly insane, incredibly stressful, and radically lovely!

we returned from OH on June 27th. tried to unpack - but failed - and the next morning we had 60 americans show up in Itu for a camp! plus, of course, 60 Brazilians that joined the fun!

camp was unforgetable. to watch God transform 2 people, countries, languages, cultures into 1 brings awe to the place! the theme was love, and love was in the air. an unexplainable love that was contagious and that made 120 ppl become 1 family!

after camp, we had 12 ppl living with us for 5 days! day and night fun! for 2 full weeks i have not had more than 4.5 hours of sleep! it's been a par-te from dawn to dusk! and we love it!

we had the Praise Festival on Sat, July 5th! It also was incredible! over 300 ppl from several churches showed up to Praise the same Jesus! 

Some of the americans left on Monday - others left tonight. 
they will all be missed! 

and mark and i are going thru pre-mature empty nester syndrome -- haha!

good news is EVERY PERSON that stayed here forgot at least 1 item - so they will be back. 

pictures come soon -- you know us! 

we love you. 
thank you for your prayers over us. 
