Monday, June 29, 2009


tomorrow at 10 am we will be loading 2 buses and headed to CAMP MOTION! there will be 100 campers, between americans and brazilians. 

please lift us up in prayers! 

*this is a big evangelistic effort, since several of the teens participating are not connected to a christian community.
*please pray for the health of the leadership. emotional, physical, spiritual wholeness. 
*please pray that our bodies will resist fatigue. we've been at hallucinating speeds for the past 5 weeks, and very little rest. 

the weekend we get back in our CHURCH INAUGURAL WEEKEND -- we will have a community party on saturday night and church celebration on sunday morning. then on monday we begin our medical campaign. 

so more prayer requests to come... 

much love to all of you!
ali, in name of kaisers

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


hello my friends -- i hope that you have not given up all hope on us and our tremendous inability to blog as constantly as we should.  

we have been hit by the winter wave. in more than one way. 

way one: we are living in temperatures that flutter somewhere around 40-50 degrees most of the day and night. but unlike the US, whatever tempt it is outside, subtract 5 or 10 degrees in the house. our home is mostly concrete and tile flooring, both of which absorb cold weather like a sponge. it makes for very stiff nights, and requires great courage in the mornings to get out of bed as you watch your breath spread in the air above your head. 

way two: our winter is your summer. your summer = campaigners galore in itu! we are amazed at all the activity that God has brought our way this campaign season! "greater things have yet to come" ... and arrive in 2 weeks! =) we have our BILINGUAL CAMP, our FIRST MEDICAL MISSION TRIP, MAX LUCADO will be spending a weekend with us and offering a seminar, and  ACCAPPELLA is coming for a concert at the end of the month.  
all this, my dear ones, will be happening within 30 days. 
and all the planning and developing and launching and marketing for each event happens now. 

this is why there has been less action in the blog world. well, that's our NOW excuse, anyway. 

please lift us up. 
we are in great expectation to see what God and His amazing power will do with each week that unfolds. 
we love you and miss you. 

more to come... as always. 