Saturday, April 19, 2008

youth group

this is some of our youth group enjoying the mac's ability to distort their faces! (and ours) 

we meet with our youth group twice a week - sunday mornings before worship, and thursday night at our home. 
it's a young group (most of them 13-15 years old), and in many ways a very different group than what we became familiar with in Ohio. 

A little about Brazilian culture: kids have no perspective of leaving home/becoming independent. Most kids will grow up and go to a college very near their home, and commute daily. Or, if they are forced to leave because of distance, they return home every single weekend to be with family. So families in Brazil do not raise their children to be independent, as they do in the USA.  Kids usually don't leave until they are married (late 20s). 

As a consequence, there is a lower level of expectation of maturity in teenagers here. 
Which has a created an interesting transition from OH to here... 

Despite all the challenges, we have enjoyed the group, and enjoyed watching them develop into an integrated part of the church. 

Please continue to pray for this group. 
Continue to pray for their spiritual maturation. 
Continue to pray that God will give them a role in His body here in Itu. 



JG said...

Hi, Mark and Ali. I love catching up on your blog! Next time you go to the Lar, will you take pictures for me of Vanderlei, Vanessa and Edson? I miss them terribly! I haven't seen any good pictures in awhile and I want to see how much they've grown. What about the other Lar kids too? I'm sure some of your faithful readers (OK, ME!) would love to see them too!

Let's talk soon (I finish school in three weeks, so I'll download skype and then we can talk).

Love you all! Pass my love along to everyone there!

Unknown said...

You guys don't know it but your blog is on my blogroll and I read your updates regularly. I'm so glad you guys are "living the dream" in Brazil! Keep it up.
Geoff may or may not be able to be reached at Good luck!