Saturday, December 22, 2007

So this is Christmas

The holidays have a very different feel from the Southern Hemisphere, so I have found myself humming this Christmas tune a lot - at least what I can remember of it ("So this is Christmas, somthin somthin, da da da").

Thanks for praying for our Blessed to be a Blessing program, it was fantastic! We provided "cestas basicas" (baskets containing the essential food items for a family of four for one month) for over 180 families. To distribute the cestas we went to local favelas (impoverished neighborhoods where many families reside in small poorly put together shacks) and handed out invitations. We then had a little reception where those who had invites came to the church, had some refreshments, received a short welcoming message and picked up their cestas.

Last night we had our last Bible Study at Yesky (the English school) before a holiday brake, and now it Christmas with our Brazilian side of the family from various cities here. We are going to a small farm about twenty minutes outside of Itu to spend Christmas together and it should be a ton of fun.

We sent out Christmas letters, so if you have not received one please email me your address ( and I will add you to our very occasional address list, and I will e-mail you this letter. Thanks again to all of you you are praying for us and who care to know what is going on with our lives and service here. It is a blessing to have your support!

Merry Christmas to all of you, we love you and hope that you will take this time to let those you love know it.
-the Kaisers


Unknown said...

That is awesome about helping and blessing those families. What a great idea about involving the community. We love you guys so much and miss you. Christmas won't be the same without you!!!

Anonymous said...

We loved your Christmas letter! We miss yall so much!