Wednesday, January 28, 2009

from 2008 to 2009

thought i'd present you with a fun update of all the amazing times we have had in the last couple of months!

in December we had our BLESSED TO BE A BLESSING campaign, and distributed over 200 baskets containing a monthly supply of food to poor families in our city. 

PAUL & BROOKE arrived for the holidays, and we had great times together over the next month!

for CHRISTMAS my dad's entire family rented a ranch, and we spent 4 days together, enjoying the sun, ping pong, card games, soccer, row boat rides, food, food, & food! 

 for NEW YEAR, we had a fantastic and eventful day! My family has the tradition of running a 15k race downtown Sao Paulo with another 25,000 people on New Year's Eve. It was a grand adventure this year since a cousin of mine decided to join the race a couple of hours before the running started -- she had never trained before! an absolute Goncalves hoss!
after the race we showered, ate, cramped up, then went back downtown to welcome in 2009! there were 2.5 million people on the main avenue; a celebration similar to NY Time Square.
It was spectacular! we danced and jumped and sang along to the live shows until 4am. My cousin had much difficulty getting up/walking/sitting/standing the next day! hilarious. 

itu hosted the MISSIONARY CONFERENCE this year! we received 25 missionary families from all over brazil, and even a couple from Paraguay. it is a week when great bonds are formed between families who really "get" each other (an example in our life: the Blume family. keep reading). we had the blessing of receiving truth from Don McGlaughlin, who taught our classes for the 5 days. he inspired us. 

after the conference, my family  escaped our surroundings to spend some quality together. we enjoyed the beautiful mountains and vineyards of southern brazil! and of course, we ate like it was going out of style. it was, once again, an unforgettable few days with the stories, laughters, skip-bo games, and dreams for our futures. 
Paul and Brooke are moving to Korea this summer. we will miss them tremendously, and we eagerly await our next time together. 

well, after saying our good-byes to P&B, we crashed the BLUMES house for a week! we met this crazy cool family last year at the missionary conference, and they fell in love with us right away! (right, kevin?) it was an amazing time to visit, jump from crazy high waterfalls (Carys, the 10 year old, showed me how it was done. insane!), eat pastel, live with 6 children, and meet their perspective of ministry and life. (ps -- we are trying to get more pics from the CDs)

we returned to Itu and found our new little INTERN, Mary Lou, along with 6 living at our house. love it. ML is well... adjusting to the language and culture, but enjoying the journey. 
that reminds me, please keep praying for CAROL's return. she is planning to come back next week, and we can't wait!

oh yes, it was also my BIRTHDAY on the 24th! wow! what a night! i welcomed 27 years with 22 friends! (on the 23rd, the youth group had a surprise bday for me! so sweet)... we went to Sao Paulo, enjoyed a friend's wedding, then celebrated my birthday at a very loud, vivacious, delicious italian restaurant! amazing times and amazing friends!

and so here we are. maybe now i will feel [somewhat] caught up with blog world. 

mark and i are well. in love with our ministry and purpose we have found in Brazil. 
your prayers carry us thru. 
we love you very much and can't wait to be with you again! (visitors ALWAYS welcome)

greater things have yet to come -- 


JG said...

I wish I could jump on the plane right now and see you--looking at all your pictures makes me miss Brazil so much! Please pass our love around down there. I'm glad to know that, as a true Goncalves AND Kaiser, you're living life to its fullest! Love you guys!

Btw, baby Gabriella Joy should get here sometime in the next month, so we'll keep you posted!


Anonymous said...

*sigh*....miss you so much. I dont know why this post made me almost want to tear up. :(

Miss you guys!!!

What is the time change there so we can Skype soon?