we have a dear friend. her name is Barbara!
i have known her since i was 17, when the Itu youth group went to her home town for a Carnival Camp.
barbara and i became great friends back then, but lost contact when i moved to the States for college.
but she showed up again last year... randomly, as she does it best. i received a phone call from her saying that she was spending a weekend in Itu, and wanted to have coffee. the date turned into coffee, conversations, hours of sharing life stories, and learning more about our purpose and ministries in itu.
to make a long story short, Barbara is our newest team member in Itu!
she moved here in August, and is serving as an intern until the end of the year.
once January rolls around, she will be blessed by the church & leadership as an integrated part of our church workers team.
she has blessed us immensely in the past 2 months, working side-by-side with the youth group, homeless ministry, rehab ministry and dreaming of ways she can serve the community and church in the near future.
Barbara is also one reason we are at peace about leaving for 3 months for furlough.
we know she will continue to serve and challenge our group while we are gone.