We are also enjoying progression in our ministry here as we become more integrated into our new settings as regulars, rather than as the new guys. Right now Ali is off at a national ladies conference. She and Phyllis will be teaching a class to single women. When asked to teach they were provided with a title, "I'm about to do it." They will be discussing many taboos that need to be discussed, and could definitely use your prayers. It is often repeated that our faith should produce righteousness and discretion, in addition they will be communicating the mercy and forgiveness freely provided to those who have made mistakes.
Earlier this week a close friend was relaying some major struggles to Ali. Her words were said in frustration, but I think they are filled with hope. She said, 'I know I need God to make this work, but it is so hard to change when I am 29 and just now hearing about Jesus for the first time.' Thank God for willing hearts to do what is tough! And thank you Jesus your longing to accept the humble in whatever state they may come!
Buckeye is doing great too, and hoping for a National Championship from her boys back home. Go Bucks!
No change in the soccer department, they are still mopping up the floor with this yanky! I am still having fun getting beat though. :)
Thanks for all your prayers!
The Kaisers