Monday, October 8, 2007

last friday

This week our internet has been out here and we are continuing to have problems with it, so I am glad to finally have the opportunity to get this post up. Thanks for waiting!

The class that we taught at Yesky, an English school here, went very well. We were in Acts 15 where some of the established Christians were denying the new gentile converts inclusion because of not having been a part of their tradition. We had a great discussion about the human tendency of imposing our restrictions, and how God has extended such a loving invitation to all men of all traditions to be redeemed through Christ.

Here is a fun cultural fact for you - if you get together with a group of Brazilians at around 7pm or so, don't plan on being done before it is time to go to bed. Around midnight seems to be the expectation. After the class we went out to grab a bite to eat: a guy in the town square with a mobile cart made burgers and hotdogs for our dinner. Then it was back to Yesky, the English school, where George (he is co-owner of the school and a member of our church) sliced up mangos, papayas, and bananas and we hung out, as expected, till midnight. I guess Brazillians just don't require the sleep that we Americans do.

more stories to come...

much love!


ann said...

Heehee! Sleeping's for suckers. :) I love the first picture! Your mom's hair looks great. Is that Jorge Pai in the Bible study picture??? Very cool!

Mark and Ali said...

Hi Ann,
Phyllis says thanks. :) We miss having you around here!
That is Jorge, he has become a regular at the Yesky Bible studies, and it is great to see him getting connected!

Anonymous said...

Shane would pass out at 9:00pm! :) We miss some mangos for me!!!

JG said...

I WANT TO GO TO ITU!!!!!!!!!

I miss you. E-mail me and let's talk about a project for the Lar. Tell everyone there I said hi and pass out our love!


Anonymous said...

HA HA! She is probably right, but what she forgot to tell you is she goes to bed with me with already having 2 naps during the day. I guess it's a pregancy thing.:) Love you 2!! - Shane

Brian & Leslie Hailey said...

I know those hot cachorros! When I see that stand, my whole body starts to shiver as I remember the cold nights. But I wouldn't trade them for the whole world.